Unique DVD with home exercises and movement advice for patients with Parkinson`s Disease
Released on: February 7, 2008, 12:09 am
Press Release Author: European FOoundation for Health ad Exercise
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: DVD with home exercises for patients with Parkinson\'s Disease
"Designed to address the specific debilitating mobility problems in the daily lives of Parkinson patients"
Press Release Body: Available now: a unique DVD with home exercises and movement advice for people with Parkinson\'s Disease that was developed recently for the Dutch Parkinson\'s disease association. The project was done under auspices of the World Federation of Neurology Research group for Parkinsonism and related disorders.
The DVD, first of its kind, is designed to address the specific debilitating mobility problems in he daily lives of Parkinson patients, and is developed using international evidence-based guidelines for rehabilitation.
The DVD is also very useful for therapists and other professionals in helping patients to maintain or improving mobility in daily life. Specific attention to cueing strategies is given. A PDF document allows the therapist to print specific exercises.
The DVD has a problem-drive menu structure, so patients and therapists can choose which category exercises and instruction they want to address.
In the Netherlands and de rest of Europe, many patients and therapists are using the DVD.
The English DVD can be purchased for 29,95 euros at www.parkinsondvd.com, including shipping and handling.
All revenue from sales will benefit Parkinson Research and Healthcare innovation projects from the European Foundation for Health and Exercise (www.efox.nl)
Web Site: http://www.parkinsondvd.com
Contact Details: Erwin E.H. van Wegen, PhD European Foundation for Health and Exercise Jimi Hendrxstraat 36 1311 HZ Almere The Netherlands info@efox.nl
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